Bush Walk 4: Mt Mitchell Track to Spicer’s Gap (Main Range NP)

The east peak of Mt Mitchell

It is a fortnight since the last walk and it is now time for Bush Walk 4. Once again Teresa of Horizon Guides is showing us the way. This is what we were expecting as we set out.

Walk 4: Mt Mitchell Track to Spicer’s Gap (Main Range NP) Approx 12km. 6 – 7hrs. Easy –Moderate.

Date: Sunday 15th April

Description: The track starts at Cunningham’s Gap within the closed canopy of sub-tropicalrainforest though the vegetation types change regularly depending on aspect. The well-graded track contours below the west and east peaks of Mt Mitchell before emerging onto the spectacular summit area. There are good views at many points along the track and the summit provides an almost eagle-eye perspective on the Fassifern Valley. Turning back from the summit we veer SW down a prominent ridge to the Millar Vale Creek valley. Bush tracks bring us to the Spicer’s Gap Rd and then on to Governor’s Chair lookout at Spicer’s Gap.

We all met at Aratula at 7:30am. This walk is a bit different to the previous ones as it is a through walk. This required vehicles at both ends of the walk so three vehicles were left at Governor’s Chair before we all gathered at Cunningham’s Gap where the walk was to commence. By the time we had the vehicles in their right places and got ready, it was 8:50am before we set off on the actual walk.

As Teresa said, the walk to the east peak of Mt Mitchell is a well graded track. From Cunningham’s Gap we gained about 400m in elevation before we got to the east peak but it was a gradual climb. The views would have been impressive however the weather was showery and the mountain was covered in mist most of the time.

Love the shape and form of this fig.

Mt Cordeaux in the distance where we walked six weeks ago.

Elkhorn ferns in the trees

Of course there were Red Triangle Slugs waiting to have their photo taken.

We spotted these two King Parrots in the trees
We knew we must be getting close to the peak when we came across warning signs. I think they would have been more dramatic on a clear day but today we were fairly oblivious to the sudden drops as they were hidden by the mist.

Misty showers kept coming across

It’s a long way down to the Cunningham Hway
After we left the peak, we back tracked along the track for a kilometre or so, then we really went bush. We took a sharp left and headed down this ridge with a little apprehension as to what Teresa had in store for us. No formed tracks here! We followed the ridge for about a kilometre when we came to an old track which was a good place to pull up for lunch and an opportunity for a de-leech. Those leeches seemed particularly bad today.

One of the highlights of the day was coming across this carpet snake. He (or she) was a big’un! Note the bulge in him. This fellow must have been well satisfied with his meal because he didn’t even blink an eyelid as eleven people crowded around him taking photos and discussed him.

We eventually found a four wheel drive track which made the going easier. We crossed Millar Vale Creek before getting on the road that lead back to Governor’s Chair and our vehicles. The road took a bit of effort too as it was a reasonably steep climb in places and as it was wet, the sticky clay clung to our boots making the walk just that little bit harder.

Millar Vale Creek

The track was muddy
The mist was blowing over Spicer’s Peak.

It was a really good walk and while we had a few misty showers to put up with, it made the walk quite pleasant. It took just over seven hours to complete the walk (not counting the vehicle shuffle at each end). By the time we drove back to the the cars left at the start of the walk, the rain had set in. We had timed the walk well!

I got back home around 5:30pm tired, legs just a little bit sore and hanging out for a coffee. It was another great day with great people. That is another benefit of these walks. There have been different people on each walk and it is wonderful to mix with them for a day.

So now we have just two weeks to wait until the next walk – Mt Greville.

4 thoughts on “Bush Walk 4: Mt Mitchell Track to Spicer’s Gap (Main Range NP)

  1. Cath Leung

    Hi Steve
    Love your “spin” it was a great walk but definately a moderate walk. Easy in parts to be sure. However, the “off the Beaten track” part was very difficult, not to mention slippery.
    Having said that I think on a dryer day it would be a lot easier.
    As a newbie to bush walking I found it a huge challenge, one I am glad i did not miss out on.

    1. Stephen Kerwin

      Hi Cath, it was good having you with us. I loved your sense of humour!

      I remember thinking on the way up to Mt Mitchell I didn’t notice the turn off we were to take later on. Just as well we didn’t know I think!



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