In the past I have had a feeling my Fine Offset weather station has not been recording all of our rainfall. Then when we had a storm today, my weather station recorded about 5mm less than my manual weather gauge so I knew I’d better look into it. I knew that the weewx software had limits set for various readings to eliminate spurious readings so I thought I’d start there. I couldn’t find anything that made sense though.
Time for Google! I eventually found an obscure reference to max_rain_rate in the file having a maximum rate to stop strange readings which the Fine Offset stations are apparently prone to. The default is 24cm/hr so any rainfall over this is ignored.
All of my data for the day was still in the console so I disconnected it from the Raspberry Pi and plugged it into a Cumulus setup on my laptop and downloaded the data. I found one entry at a rate of 288mm/hr or 28.8cm/hour. This started to make sense. Obviously the location the weewx software is written doesn’t experience the downpours SE Qld is prone to in our summer storms. A bit more googling and checking out the comments in and I had the answer. I had to enter some code in the setup file weewx.conf to override the default.
############################################################################## [FineOffsetUSB] # This section is for the Fine Offset series of weather stations. # The station model, e.g., WH1080, WS1090, WS2080, WH3081 model = WH1080 # The polling mode can be PERIODIC or ADAPTIVE polling_mode = PERIODIC # How often to poll the station for data, in seconds polling_interval = 60 # The pressure calibration offset, in hPa (millibars) pressure_offset = 0 max_rain_rate = 36 # cm/hr, default is 24, changed because heavy rain not being measured. # The driver to use: driver = weewx.drivers.fousb ##############################################################################
Hi Steve,
You may want to revise that figure. We received 11mm in 12 minutes this afternoon
My Cumulus software and Fine Offset WH1080 recorded 90mm/hr at one point.
Hi Ian,
Weewx uses cm/hr as their unit instead of mm/hr. I now have it set for 36cm/hr so that should cover most cases but I will keep an eye on it and adjust if necessary. We do get torrential rain in this neck of the woods don’t we.
Hi folks
As I understand it, you feel you have a software problem at high rain rates. I wonder if it is not just a physical problem. Those little buckets have to fill up, dump their load and get ready for the next filling. It seems to me there is a limit to how fast this can take place.
Regards, Irving
I think it should be ok Irving. Even at the top rate of 36cm or 360mm/hr, that's only one tip every three seconds so it should handle that ok. (360mm/0.3mm per tip = 1200 tips in an hour)
You might lose a bit of water when the buckets are horizontal as it tips but it would be minimal.